Friday, September 18, 2009

Farewell Manchester Lane

Well its the end of another era. We said that when The Last Laugh closed. We said that when The Continental closed. We said that when The Bullring closed. Now we're saying it again with the closure of Manchester Lane. Rumour has it its been sold. I had thought it was owned by eco-beauty mega business The Body Shop. So it all seems a bit odd. Stay tuend for an update when I know more!

All I know is that Manchester Lane is one of those familiar venues like the bullring or the Conti that I felt was my second home. Having a drink, listening to a band, teaching dance lesson. Yes I taught Saturday afternoon dance lessons there for around 18 months when the Pearly Shells had a residency. I'd prep the floor for the evening and it was beautiful to dance on. The swing dancers always said they could tell when I hadn't taught the lesson as the floor was gluey.

It was at Manchester Lane I got rip roaring drunk at our end of year drinks and watched the dancers in drunken sentimental admiration and pride.

It was to Manchester Lane I went the night my father died. Just to touch base with my real world in the surreal shock of death. I walked in and everyone knew and they just surrounded me and had a huge group hug in the middle of the floor.

It was at Manchester Lane that the swing bands had a bit of a regular gig; the place to refer people, the place to see the Pearly Shells, Micke McQuaid and the Red Hot Rhythmakers, Cairo Club Orchestra, Esstee Big Band, Duck Musique just to name a few.

I hope it's re-incarnated into an even bigger and better music venue.

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