Sunday, March 23, 2008


It is 30 years ago since my brother died. Mum has asked me for some recollections. I thought I'd post them first and glance them over.

He was the youngest of the three of us. Four years younger than me and five and a half years younger than our older sister, Catherine. She was always incredibly protective of him which always puzzled me. I think she being older, was much more aware of what was going on in the world, going on in our world and she worried abuot him and protected him. She worried when he left for school and only took little comfort when Jo one our friends down the road walked him to school.

As a Baby
I hit him a lot. I think i was jealous of the new baby and not being the baby any more and i knocked him on the head as I passed his pram or basket. um, as i recall I rapped him on the head as hard as I could... to be chastised by parents and then hold the resentment against the baby. I can't feel bad about that now. Kids are kids.

Secret Seven Books
One of my fondest memories I have of Jeremy is reading to him at night. I read him the Secret Seven Books which were slightly ahead of his reading ability (or probably not, he was way ahead). It was our time together and we both really loved it. We'd curl up on my bed sharing my orange bed spread (now in the car as an old packing blanket). I'd read a chapter at a time and try and finish before a suspense filled climax and make him wait for hte end ing (what a control freak!!) but usually i'd get so into it myself that I'd read a couple of chapters and need to hear the storyline resolution as much as he did.

The Soverign Hill Teapot
Dad wanted us all to go out one day for the day and Catherine and I refused. Jeremy went and all day we wondered where they'd gone. When they returned it came to pass that they went out to soverign hill. I can't remember if Jeremy bought anything back for Catherine but he bought me a brown pottery teapot and I was totally overcome. I lvoed it, treasured it, kept it wrapped in its paper in my treasure box under my bed. When we left the house in a hurry years later the pot was left behind and I've always wondered what became of it. In fact now i collect Teapots and I'm sure Jeremy started that in me. And the fact that his is not part of my collection.

Jeremy's Hat.
He had a leather hat with rings linked around the base of the head bit (not the brim). He loved it and wore it all the time. After he died dad gave it to our cousin Josh who is about the same age as Jay. Years later I went to our cousin's house and the hat was casually hanging off his bedpost. I saw it and was struck with shock, familiarity and a strong nausea. I think I exclaimed or commented on the hat and Josh made some comment about treasuring it. I didn't hear it. I was still in shock. I wonder if he still has it. Josh has since traveled the world, won a Rhodes Scholarship, is now in a great job and has just gotten engaged. I think of him and jeremy being similar ages and both of frightening intelligence and secretly think Jay would have given Josha a run for his money on the scholarship.

The Nickname
Dad gave it to him. Told him stories about gangsters and their imaginative names. From then he called Jeremy Ratface and jeremy LOVED it. We loved calling him Ratface too, even if with somewhat of a different inflection...

Yet to be Written.
the msising jewellyr box
the trip to the aboriginal settlement with dad
the photo on the car with Echo.
Mums Secret

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